Schedule of Services at our Chapel

Dear brothers and sisters,

Due to the restrictive measures to control the spread of COVID-19, worship services will be held with a limit of only 10 people in the chapel, mandatory maintenance of a physical distance of 2m and wearing of face masks (more details here:

Thus we remind you that all parishioners who want to attend one of the services must contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at to be added to the schedule so that the prescribed maximum number of people in the chapel can be maintained. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.

The schedule of services for the upcoming feast-days:

27. Dec. 2020, Sunday – Mothers’ day: Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

2. Jan. 2021, Saturday, St. Ignatius the God-Bearer: Chapel will be open for celebrants from 9AM to 11AM

3. Jan. Sunday – Fathers’ Day: Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

6. Jan. Wednesday, Christmas Eve DAy: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

6. Jan. Christmas Eve: Vespers and blessing of the Badnjak (Yule log)* at 6PM

7. Jan. Christmas (first day) Divine Liturgy at 5AM and at 10:00AM

8. Jan. Christmas (second day) Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

9. Jan. Christmas (third day) Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

10. Jan. Sunday : Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

14. Jan. St. Basil’s day: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

17. Jan. Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

18. Jan. Eve of the Theophany: Divine Liturgy and blessing of water* at 10:00AM

19. Jan. Theophany: Divine Liturgy and blessing of water* at 10:00AM

20. Jan. St. John the Baptist’s day: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

24. Jan. Sunday : Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

27. Jan. St. Sava’s day: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM

31. Jan. Sunday : Divine Liturgy at 8:30AM and at 10:00AM

 * You will be informed in time about the distribution of the consecrated Badnjak branches and Epiphany Water!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

–  Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill