Dinner in Honour of V. Rev. Vasilije Tomic (June 3, 7:30pm)

The St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill will organize a Dinner on Saturday June 3, at 7:30PM, in honor of ProtaVasilije Tomic, on the occasion of his retirement. On behalf of the community of St. Archangel Gabriel, I invite all who wish to share our love for Prota Vasilije to join us.

All interested I kindly ask to confirm their attendance as soon as possible by contacting our brother in Christ Dejan Jokanovic on: 647 505 7653, or via e-mail: trebijovi@gmail.com. With joy we are looking forward to this festive event.

I greet you in the Risen Lord,

Rev. Vladimir Vranic



• 7. април, петак – БЛАГОВЕСТИ: Св. Литургија у 9 ч.
April 7, Friday – ANNUNCIATION: Divine Liturgy 9AM

Св. Литургија у 9 ч; Врбица са вечерњем у 17 ч;
April 8, – LAZARUS’ SATURDAY: Divine Liturgy 9AM;
Vespers with the blessing of willows and solemn procession at 5PM

• 9. април, недеља – ЦВЕТИ: Св. Литургија у 10 ч;
April 9, Sunday – PALM SUNDAY: Divine Liturgy 10AM

• 13. април, ВЕЛИКИ ЧЕТВРТАК: Св. Литургија у 9 ч; Бденије са читањем 12 страсних јеванђеља у 19 ч;
April 13, GREAT THURSDAY: Divine Liturgy at 9AM;
Vigil with the reading of the 12 (Passion) Gospels at 7PM

• 14. април, ВЕЛИКИ ПЕТАК: Царски часови у 9 ч; Вечерње са изношењем Плаштанице у 18 ч; Опело Христово у 20. ч;
April 14, GREAT FRIDAY: Royal Hours at 9AM; Vespers and the procession with Holy Shroud at 6PM; Funeral service of Christ at 8PM

• 15. април, ВЕЛИКА СУБОТА: Св. Литургија у 9 ч;
April 15, GREAT SATURDAY: Divine Liturgy at 9AM

• 16. април, НЕДЕЉА – ВАСКРСЕЊЕ ХРИСТОВО: Васкршње јутрење у поноћ; у продужетку света Литургија;
April 16, SUNDAY – THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD: Paschal Matins at Midnight; The Divine Liturgy follows immediately after the Matins

• 17. април, СВЕТЛИ ПОНЕДЕЉАК: Св. Литургија у 9 ч
April 17, BRIGHT MONDAY: Divine Liturgy at 9AM

• 18. април, СВЕТЛИ УТОРАК: Св. Литургија у 9 ч.
April 18, BRIGHT TUESDAY: Divine Liturgy at 9AM

Great Lent is for All Believers – By Fr. Rodney Torbic

  • Great Lent is for all believers, not just clergy and monastics.
  • Great Lent is time for serious consideration of the soul.
  • Great Lent summons all believers to actively participate.
  • Great Lent is an experience resulting in beneficial joy.
  • Great Lent requires participation of the heart and mind.
  • Great Lent entails continued discipline of the body.
  • Great Lent gives structure to daily Christian life.
  • Great Lent affects believers’ hearts, souls and bodies.
  • Great Lent arrives each year for believers’ benefit.
  • Great Lent is a recurring part of the each Liturgical Year.
  • Great Lent has been deemed of continued value.
  • Great Lent emphasizes the importance of repentance.
  • Great Lent sets forth examples of repentance.
  • Great Lent has specific defined liturgical services.
  • Great Lent includes practices of prayer and fasting.
  • Great Lent encourages believers to practice almsgiving.
  • Great Lent offers instruction to attentive believers.
  • Great Lent addresses the continuing hunger of the soul.
  • Great Lent provides regular spiritual nourishment.
  • Great Lent inspires drawing closer to Jesus Christ.
  • Great Lent asks believers to refrain from sin.
  • Great Lent calls believers to better lives in Christ.
  • Great Lent directs hearts and minds to God’s Kingdom.
  • Great Lent remembers the believers departed this life.
  • Great Lent gives liturgical attention to the Mother of God.
  • Great Lent directs believers away from sinful practices.
  • Great Lent offers new beginnings in the life in Christ.
  • Great Lent is an investment in the Kingdom of
  • Great Lent helps those who have sinned to be forgiven.
  • Great Lent is a time for serious confession of sins.
  • Great Lent motivates personal change for the better.
  • Great Lent is an inexhaustible source of learning.
  • Great Lent enables believers to begin anew in Jesus Christ.

Thedore’s Saturday and Sunday of Orthodoxy

On Theodore’s Saturday, March 4, The Divine Liturgy with the blessing of the wheat will be celebrated at 9 AM. Vespers at 6 PM followed by Confession.
On Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 5, The Divine Liturgy will be served at 10 AM.
In the evening of the same day at 6 PM, a traditional Pan-Orthodox Vespers will be served, this year at the All Serbian Saints Church in Mississauga.

Spiritual Conversations for Youth and Adults during the Great Lent

With the blessing of our parish priest Fr. Vladimir Vranić, starting on Sunday 26 February and throughout the Great Lent season, in addition to the regular Sunday school classes for children, the following will be hosted after agape at our Parish:

  • Spiritual conversations for adults with Mileta Radenović
  • Youth/High-Schoolers’ coffee hour with Fr. Vladimir

Join us in a friendly atmosphere to inquire, discuss or just listen-in about different edifying religious, spiritual and life topics!