Schedule of Services until Dormition under Reduced Restrictions

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As of June 11, reduced restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19 have been in effect.

Worship services will continue to be held regularly with a limit of 15% of the chapel’s capacity, mandatory maintenance of a distance of 2m and wearing face masks (more details here:, per the following schedule:

  • June 19 – Memorial Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • June 20 – Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles – Pentecost – Trinity Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • June 21 – Pentecost Monday: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • June 27 – 1st Sunday after Pentecost – All Saints: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • June 28 – Holy Martyr Prince Lazarus and All Serbian Martyrs – Vidovdan (Beginning of the Apostles’ Fast): Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • July 4 – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • July 7 – Birth of St. John the Forerunner – Ivandan: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • July 11 – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • July 12 – Holy Apostles Peter and Paul – Petrovdan: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • July 18 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • July 25 – 5th Sunday after Pentecost – Vespers of the Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel: Divine Liturgy at 10 am, cutting of the Slava Kolač and choosing of the kum for next year
  • July 26 – Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel – Parish Slava: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • August 1 – 6th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • August 2 – Holy Prophet Elijah – Ilindan: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • August 6 – Holy Martyrs of Prebilovci and Lower Hercegovina: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • August 8 – 7th Sunday after Pentecost – Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • August 15 – 8th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • August 19 – Transfiguration of the Lord: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • August 22 – 9th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • August 28 – Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos – Velika Gospojina: Divine Liturgy at 9 am
  • August 29 – 10th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am

We remind you that all parishioners who want to attend one of the services or cut their Slava Kolač must contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at or text message at 416-993-0647 to be added to the schedule so that the prescribed maximum number of people in the chapel can be maintained. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Schedule of Paschal Services under Additional Restrictions

Dear brothers and sisters,

As of April 17, further restrictions have been enforced under the already established the “state of emergency” to control the spread of COVID-19.

Worship services will continue to be held regularly with of only 10 people in the chapel, mandatory maintenance of a distance of 2m and wearing face masks (more details here:, per the following schedule:

  • April 18 – Fifth Sunday of Lent, St. Mary of Egypt: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • April 24 – Lazarus Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
    • Vespers – Vrbica at 6 pm
  • April 25 – Entrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 8:30 am and 10 am
  • April 29 – Great and Holy Thursday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
    • Vespers and Reading of the 12 Gospels at 7 pm
  • April 30 – Great and Holy Friday: Royal Hours at 9 pm
    • The Deposition from the Cross and Lamentation at the Tomb at 6 pm
  • May 1 – Great and Holy Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • May 2 – Resurrection of of our Lord Jesus Christ – Pascha: Easter Matins at midnight, followed by the Divine Liturgy
  • May 2 – Resurrection of of our Lord Jesus Christ – Pascha: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • May 3 – Resurrection Monday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • May 4 – Resurrection Tuesday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • May 6 – Holy Greatmartyr George: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
    • Cutting of the Slava Kolač before and after the Divine Liturgy

We remind you that all parishioners who want to attend one of the services or cut their Slava Kolač must contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at or text message at 416-993-0647 to be added to the schedule so that the prescribed maximum number of people in the chapel can be maintained. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Worship in State of Emergency

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As of April 7th, York Region has been under the “state of emergency” to control the spread of COVID-19 with restrictions that also affect to our Parish.

Worship services will continue to be held regularly with a limit of 15% of the chapel’s capacity, mandatory maintenance of a distance of 2m and wearing face masks (more details here: and

Sunday lunches as well as any gatherings in the upper hall after Divine Liturgy are, unfortunately, still not allowed.

We will continue to have only one Divine Liturgy on Sundays starting at 10AM.

To ensure that we do not exceed the quota of 15% of the capacity of the chapel, we ask parishioners who want to attend worship services to contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at or text message at 416-993-0647 to be added to the schedule. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

–  Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Memorial Saturday

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On March 6 is Memorial Saturday that our Holy Church dedicates to the commemoration of our family members and friends who have departed this life. That day at 10AM we will serve a General Memory service (parastos) when names of all our departed family members and friends are read out and commemorated.

To ensure that we do not exceed the quota of 30% of the capacity of the chapel, we ask parishioners who want to attend worship services to contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at or text message at 416-993-0647 to be added to the schedule. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.

At the chapel a maintenance of a distance of 2m and wearing face masks is, of course, still mandatory (more details here: and

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill