Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On March 6 is Memorial Saturday that our Holy Church dedicates to the commemoration of our family members and friends who have departed this life. That day at 10AM we will serve a General Memory service (parastos) when names of all our departed family members and friends are read out and commemorated.
To ensure that we do not exceed the quota of 30% of the capacity of the chapel, we ask parishioners who want to attend worship services to contact Aleksandar Cvijetinović in advance by email at or text message at 416-993-0647 to be added to the schedule. We kindly request that in case of a change in plans that you please contact Aleksandar in time so that others would be allowed to attend the worship service.
At the chapel a maintenance of a distance of 2m and wearing face masks is, of course, still mandatory (more details here: and
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill