Dear brothers and sisters,

Christ is born!

The fundraising campaign for the signing of the SPA (Site Plan Agreement) was successful thanks to all the parishioners and friends of our parish. We are ready to sign the contract with the city because we managed to collect the money needed for the payment before the deadline: Many thanks to everyone for their contributions and any other help!

Furthermore, as the inflow of money continues, everything in excess of the currently needed amount is being accumulated into the “Building Fund” account, which will be used for the next phases of obtaining building permits and the costs of the construction itself. Hence the fundraising campaign continues – your contributions marked “For Building Fund” can be sent to:

It is encouraging to see how our parish community and its friends organized themselves in such a short time and showed what strength we have when we are united in our cause.

– Duško Knežević, on behalf of the Construction Committee with the St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank God a large number of contributions have arrived since our last post over the weekend, and as you can see we are approaching our goal rapidly:

This includes both payments made and pledges: all pledges should be paid in full no later than the third week of January in order to have sufficient time to prepare the money draft so that we can hand over the entire SPA package to the city no later than 31.01.23.

You can send your contributions marked “For Building Fund” for this fundraiser campaign as follows:

– Duško Knežević, on behalf of the Construction Committee with the St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill


Dear brothers and sisters,

You have recently been informed that we got the approval for the Site Plan Agreement (SPA) for the construction of a new church on our property. Consequently, we have to sign the SPA and pay funds in the amount of ~$140,000, of which $40,000 is for administrative costs and $100,000 is a deposit for grading & landscaping. The $100,000 deposit will be returned to our parish upon completion of construction and inspection.

The deadline for signing and paying the full amount is January 31, 2023: with the signed SPA, we can apply for building permits and start building the new church.

I want to once again emphasize the importance of the above date, January 31, 2023: this is the deadline for us to submit the signed SPA and pay the above-mentioned amount in full. What is important to understand is that until now we have been gathering at our property on Divine Liturgies thanks to being in the process of obtaining the Site Plan Agreement. Now that it has been approved, it must be paid and signed by January 31, 2023, otherwise our case will be CLOSED. This means the following:

  1. To re-open the case, there will be additional administrative costs, but there may also be changes in the laws that will require the SPA to be amended and possibly even started anew, from scratch.
  2. There is a high probability that the city will ask us to stop gathering for worship since the status with respect to the SPA will be undefined. We will have to discuss this with the city and clarify the new conditions. One thing is certain, this would take us at least 5 years back and we will have to start all over again under new conditions.

Keep in mind also all the effort and thousands of hours of volunteer work done by our architects, engineers and planners that led to the approved SPA. Let’s not allow such a great effort go to waste. We ask that everyone contribute materially as much as they can so that this goal is met within the deadline.

I hope that my address has clarified our situation and stressed how important it is to meet the deadline for signing and paying the funds for the SPA in full.

January 31, 2023 can be a new beginning for our Parish, but also, God forbid, the beginning of great uncertainty in case we do not meet the conditions for signing the SPA by the given deadline.

A fundraiser for the building fund is underway, and I am appealing to all parishioners and friends to help as much as they can.

For any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 416-417-8805 or duskoknez@gmail.com

The parish will issue tax receipts for all donations. All contributions paid by the end of December will be on the receipt for 2022!

You can send your contributions marked “For Building Fund” for this fundraiser campaign as follows:

We will publish regularly how the campaign is progressing and how far we have come with the contributions. This is the current state:

– Duško Knežević, on behalf of the Construction Committee with the St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Fri 01/13/23: Serbian New Year’s Eve Party

Dear brothers and sisters,

We invite you and your friends and family to join us for a traditional Serbian New Year’s Eve party.

The celebration will be take place on Friday, January 13th, starting at 7PM, at our Parish Hall, 49 N Lake Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 2Z8

With a delightful dinner and a great atmosphere, Aca Perović’s Orchestra will entertain you with song and music.

Ticket price $80 per person. Tickets may be reserved on Sundays at our church following the Divine Liturgy, or directly with Aleksandar Cvijetinović by phone at 416-993-0647, or by email at sashacvijetinovic@gmail.com


Join us in celebrating the upcoming Julian New 2023 Year!

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill