Online Веронаука: Страсна Седмица и Васкрсење Христово

Помаже Бог, драги ђаци и родитељи!

Како су школе још увек затворене и онемогућено нам је да се срећемо у нашој Цркви Св. Архангела Гаврила у Ричмонд Хилу, желим овим путем да поделим с вама градиво за предстојећу Страсну Седмицу и Васкрсење Христово.

Наравно ништа не може да замени богослужења у Цркви, али надам се да ће вам ово ипак бити од користи током Страсне Седмице уочи највећег Црквеног празника, Васкрсења Господа Исуса Христа.

Свако добро од Господа!

– Зоран Радишић


Children’s Bible Reader

My Book of Holy Week (colouring sheets) Scripture Lessons – The Feasts of the Church (worksheets)

Библијске Приче: 12. Тајна Вечера,

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –


Lazarus Saturday – Lazarus Raising From the Dead

Јован / John 11:1-45

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

Mary anoints Jesus

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

The entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem

Palm Sunday – Our Lord’s Entry Into Jerusalem

Јован / John 12:12-14

Holy Week – Palm Sunday

p. 25

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

Jesus drives the merchants out of the temple

The Bridegroom of the Church

Holy and Great Monday – Joseph the Patriarch

Holy Week – Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday

p. 26

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

Jesus speaks about the end of the age

Holy Tuesday – The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Матеј / Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

The betrayal of Jesus

Holy Wednesday

Марко / Mark 14:3-9

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

Jesus celebrates Passover with His Disciples

Holy Week – Holy Thursday

p. 28

Jesus Cares for His Disciples –

Jesus washes the Disciples feet

The Nipter

Јован / John 13:4-15

The Passion & Resurrection –

The mystical supper

The Mystical Supper

Матеј / Matthew 26:26-28

The Passion & Resurrection –

Peter’s promise to Jesus

The Passion & Resurrection –

Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane

Prayer in Gethsemane

Лука / Luke 22:39-44

The Betrayal of Christ by Judas Iscariot

Матеј / Matthew 26:46-50

Christ’s Arrest

Матеј / Matthew 26:50b-56

The Passion & Resurrection –

Peter’s denial

Peter’s Denial

Матеј / Matthew 26:69-75

The Passion & Resurrection –

Jesus is questioned

The Passion & Resurrection –

Jesus is brought to Pilate

Before Pilate

Матеј / Matthew 27:11-25

The Mockery

Матеј / Matthew 27:26-31

The Passion & Resurrection –

Judas regrets his betrayal

The Passion & Resurrection –

Jesus dies on the cross

Via Dolorosa

Матеј / Matthew 27:32

The Crucifixion

Јован / John 19:23-37

Extreme Humility
The Passion & Resurrection –

The burial of Jesus

The Descent from the Holy Cross

Лука / Luke 23:50-53

Holy Week – Holy Friday

p. 29

The Lamentation at the Tomb

Лука / Luke 23:50-53

Holy Week – Holy Saturday

p. 31-32

The Passion & Resurrection –

The Resurrection of Jesus

The Resurrection Easter Sunday

p. 34-35

The Empty Tomb

Марко / Mark 16:1-8

Christ is Risen

p. 37-38

За припрему овог градива коришћени су следећи извори:

Веронаука за најмлађе – on the web!

Помаже Бог, драги родитељи и ђаци!

Школску 2019/20. годину при нашој парохијској школи веронауке за најмлађе смо посветили Старом Завету. Како су школе сада затворене због мера предострожности, одлучио сам да вам доставим овим путем цело градиво за ову школску годину. Већину овог материјала смо од септембра већ прешли на нашим часовима, али није на одмет да се познато градиво понови као и да се настави одакле смо стали: задњи пут смо разговарали о Цару Давиду. Такође и они који нису били на нашим часовима могу насамо да виде о чему смо све слушали, причали и писали до сада.

За програм наставе коришћена су три главна извора:

  • читанка „Children’s Bible Reader“ који је доступан online и као аудио-књига на
  • вежбанка „Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament“ коју можете одавде преузети у .pdf формату
  • серијал анимираних филмова „Библијске Приче“ синхронизованих на српкси језик (везе за сваку епизоду са youtube-а су наведене у табелама доле)

Надам се да ће вам ово обогатити и оплеменити доколицу у ово време рестрикција.

Свако добро од Господа!

– Зоран Радишић

Children’s Bible Reader

Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament (Work sheets) Библијске Приче (на српском језику)
Creation and the Patriarch’s –

God Creates the World

God Creates the World

pp. 4-5

01. Рајски Врт

How God Made the World

pp. 7-8

Adam and Eve

pp. 10-11

Adam and Eve in Paradise

pp. 13-14

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Adam and Eve turn away from God

Adam and Eve Disobey God

pp. 16-17

Adam and Eve are Punished

pp. 19-20

The Angels

pp. 22-23

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Cain and Abel

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

The wickedness of people destroys the earth

The Great Flood


Creation and the Patriarch’s –

People continue to sadden God

The Tower of Babel

pp. 28-29

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

A shepherd trusts in God


pp. 31-32

02. Содом и Гомора

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Abraham and Sarah have a son

Isaac is Sacrificed

pp. 34-35

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Isaac marries Rebecca

Jacob and Esau

pp. 37-38

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Two different brothers

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Jacob has a strange dream

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Jacob marries Rachel

Creation and the Patriarch’s –

Jacob leaves Laban


Children’s Bible Reader

Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament (Work sheets) Библијске Приче (на српском језику)
Joseph –

Jacob wrestles with God

Joseph –

The two brother reconcile

Joseph –

Joseph and his brothers

Joseph Sold by his Brothers

pp. 40-41

03. Јосиф и Шарени Капут

Joseph –

Joseph is sold by his brothers

Joseph –

Joseph arrives in Egypt

Joseph –

Joseph interprets dreams

Joseph in Prison

pp. 43-44

Joseph –

Joseph and Pharaoh

Joseph –

Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt

The Brothers of Joseph in Egypt

pp. 46-47

Joseph –

Joseph’s brothers return to Canaan

Joseph –

Joseph welcomes his brothers

Joseph –

The silver cup

Joseph –

Joseph forgives his brothers

Jacob in Egypt

pp. 49-50


Children’s Bible Reader

Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament (Work sheets) Библијске Приче (на српском језику)
Israel in Egypt –

The people of Israel suffer in Egypt

Moses is Born

pp. 52-53

04. Прича о Мојсију

Israel in Egypt –

A mother saves her son

Israel in Egypt –

Moses must leave

God calls Moses

pp. 55-56

Israel in Egypt –

God calls Moses

Israel in Egypt –

Moses returns to Egypt

The Ten Plagues

pp. 58-59

Israel in Egypt –

Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh

Israel in Egypt –

God sends disasters to Egypt

Israel in Egypt –

God sends the worst plague of all

Journey in the Wilderness –

The Israelites leave Egypt

Crossing the Red Sea

pp. 61-62

Journey in the Wilderness –

The Israelites cross the Red Sea

Journey in the Wilderness –

God provides for his people

Journey in the Wilderness –

Water from the rock

Journey in the Wilderness –

Moses on Mount Sinai

The Ten Commandments

pp. 64-65

Journey in the Wilderness –

The Ten Commandments

Journey in the Wilderness –

The golden calf

The Golden Calf

pp. 67-68

Journey in the Wilderness –

Moses speaks again with God

Journey in the Wilderness –

The tent of meeting and the Ark of the Covenant

Journey in the Wilderness –

Aaron and his sons become priests

Journey in the Wilderness –

Moses is near Canaan

Journey in the Wilderness –

Forty years in the desert

The Death of Moses

pp. 70-71

Journey in the Wilderness –

The healing snake

Journey in the Wilderness –

Moses dies

Journey in the Wilderness –

The walls of Jericho


pp. 73-74

05. Пророк Јосија и Битка код Јерихона

Journey in the Wilderness –

The Promised Land


Children’s Bible Reader

Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament (Work sheets) Библијске Приче (на српском језику)
Judges, David & Solomon –


Judges, David & Solomon –


Judges, David & Solomon –



pp. 76-77

Judges, David & Solomon –



pp. 79-80

06. Самсон и Далила

Judges, David & Solomon –



pp. 82-83

Judges, David & Solomon –

Samuel the prophet


pp. 85-86

Judges, David & Solomon –

Saul becomes a king

Judges, David & Solomon –

Saul and David

07. Давид и Голијат

Judges, David & Solomon –

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

pp. 88-89

Judges, David & Solomon –

David and Jonathan

King David

pp. 91-92

Judges, David & Solomon –

David saves Saul’s life

Judges, David & Solomon –

David the King

Judges, David & Solomon –

David’s Psalms

Judges, David & Solomon –

King Solomon


pp. 94-95

Judges, David & Solomon –

The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon

Judges, David & Solomon –

Wise Words of Solomon


Children’s Bible Reader

Scripture Lessons – The Old Testament (Work sheets) Библијске Приче (на српском језику)
The Prophets –

The prophet Elijah

Prophet Elijah

pp. 97-98

The Prophets –

Elijah and Baal’s prophets

The Prophets –

The prophet Isiah

The Prophet Isiah

pp. 100-101

The Prophets –

The prophet Jeremiah

The Prophet Jeremiah

pp. 106-107

The Prophets –

Jonah and the big fish

08. Пророк Јона и кит

The Prophets –

Jonah goes to Nineveh

The Prophets –

Daniel and his friends


pp. 103-104

09. Данило међу лавовима

The Prophets –

The three friends are thrown in the furnace

The Prophets –

Daniel in the lion’s den

The Prophets –

Daniel tells of the coming of the Savior


pp. 109-110


pp. 112-113

Saint John the Baptist

pp. 115-116