Saturday 6/22: Parish Picnic

Dear brothers and sisters,

On Saturday, June 22nd, starting at 12pm we will be organizing a picnic at our parish: we will have BBQ, and goulash, along with a tournament in bocce (boules).

Come with your friends to socialize and have fun together! Entry is free, but we will be collecting donations for our church.

All are welcome!

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Saturday 6/8: Summer Clean-up

Dear brothers and sisters,

Join us in the clean-up of our parish property on Saturday, June 8th from 10am onward.

We will be cleaning both indoors, throwing out clutter accumulated over the years (there are many books that anyone may take if they wish), as well as tidying the outdoors.

BBQ will be prepared and offered for all participants.

In addition to your good will, bring your gloves, rakes and other tools, so that we can tidy-up our property and socialize. All are welcome!

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

P.S. – this is also a great opportunity for high school students who want to accumulate their “volunteer hours”!

05/25: Gala Dinner

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Saturday 5/25 at 7PM we will have a GALA DINNER:

  • Sumptuous meal
  • Entertainment provided by Neven
  • Entrance Free, but we will be collecting donations for our Church

For reservations please contact Dragan Stefanović at 647-468-8610 or


– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Schedule of Services through Pascha and for the month of May

  • April 27– Lazarus Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 9AM
    • Consecration of the palm branches at 6PM
  • April 28 – Entrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • May 2 – Great and Holy Thursday: Divine Liturgy at 9AM
    • Vespers and Reading of the 12 Gospels at 7PM
  • May 3 – Great and Holy Friday – The Deposition from the Cross and Lamentation at the Tomb at 6PM
  • May 4 – Great and Holy Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 9AM

  • May 5 – Resurrection of of our Lord Jesus Christ – Pascha: Easter Matins at 12AM (midnight)
  • May 5 – Resurrection of of our Lord Jesus Christ – Pascha: Divine Liturgy at 10AM (morning)
    • Following the Divine Liturgy we will be choosing the most beautifully decorated Easter Egg: All interested are called to participate!
  • May 6 – Resurrection Monday; Holy Greatmartyr George: Divine Liturgy at 9AM
    • Cutting of the Slava Kolač before and after the Divine Liturgy
  • May 12 – Second Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of St. Thomas; St. Basil of Ostrog the Miracleworker: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • May 19 – Third Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Myrrhbearers: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • May 24 – (Friday) Sts. Cyril & Methodious: Divine Liturgy at 9AM
  • May 26 – Fourth Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Paralytic: Divine Liturgy at 10AM

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill