Sat 10/19: Fall Clean-up, pig and lamb roast

Dear Parishioners,

Join us in the fall clean-up of our parish property on Saturday, October 19th from 11am onwards. Duško Knežević and Dragutin Međedović will be roasting a pig and a lamb on a spit for all the participants of the clean-up.

Come help tidy-up our property and socialize at our family gathering, along with great food and a game of bocce. All are welcome!

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

September 29: Krsna Slava of our Circle of Serbian Sisters

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We invite you to our Circle of Serbian Sisters’ Patron Saint’s day: Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sophia, which will take place on the eve of the feast-day on Sunday September 29th. The Slava Dinner will be served following the Holy Liturgy. This year’s koumbara of the KSS is Snežana Knežević.

Everyone is welcome!

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Sunday, Sept 15: Prayer for our Students and the Start of the Academic Year

Dear Brother and Sisters,

On Sunday, September 15, 2019, following the Holy Liturgy we will pray for all the students of our Parish for the start of the new Academic Year.

Additionally, our Sunday School lessons for the youngest (junior and middle school aged) group will resume again, taking place every Sunday following the Agape at our Parish. The lessons will be in Serbian and per need in English too: all children are welcome and no one will be left out for simply not knowing Serbian well enough.

You will be updated later on the expected schedule of Spiritual Conversations for Teenagers and Adults.

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill