Fr. Zlatibor’s Letter to the Parishioners

My Dear Parishioners,

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrofan of the Canadian Diocese, I have been appointed as your Parish priest to serve God, the Serbian people and all people of good will. For the past 13 years I have faithfully and devotedly served at the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Parish in Oakville. I look forward to the opportunity to pastorally and loyally serve you and your families, with God’s and your help, honourably, godly and patriotically as hitherto. The priestly rank and vocation are exalted, but nothing good can be done without God and without the support of St. Sava’s people. Therefore, I ask you to pray to God for me and to receive me as your closest spiritual relation, just as I have you in my heart and in my prayers, since I have wholeheartedly accepted the instruction to serve at your St. Archangel Gabriel’s Church and I sincerely want to help our Parish and community grow and advance.

I am coming to you on the eve of the most joyous Christian holiday: Christmas – the Birth of Christ. The beginning of everything that is good and right are faith and prayer, good deeds and the Holy Mysteries. Hence I summon you all to come, especially in the coming festive days, in great numbers to our Church and take active part in our worship, preparations for and celebration of the upcoming Holidays. Through active participation in the Church life at the current Church as well as in the one we plan to build, we spiritually build ourselves and our families, since the spiritual foundation is the most important and most fruitful thing in our lives. The blessings we receive in the House of God we carry with ourselves in our souls, into our homes and families. It is for these blessings that we serve at our Church, and with my whole being I will work withtogether you to make our Church a source of pride, joy, spiritual support and eternal salvation.

Rejoicing to our upcoming encounters, communion, accord and progress, I greet you all with the most joyous Christian greeting –


Archpriest Zlatibor Đurašević

Past Events and Reminders

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We celebrated Children’s Day at our Church on Sunday, December 17th. On that occasion, Marko Ćurčić was tied up and then “released” after handing out gifts to everyone present as his “ransom”.
We also celebrated the Mothers’ Day on Sunday, December 24th, and the “ransom” gifts for were given by Dušica Vukosav.
We remind you that this Sunday, December 31st, we will be celebrating Fathers’ Day: come to see who we will bind!

Last Sunday we resumed with our catechism classes for children, and God-willing we will continue so with this established practice of ours every Sunday after Holy Liturgy. We invite all old and new students to join us!

We remind you that tomorrow, on Saturday, December 30 at 6PM, Vespers will be served by Father Vladimir Vranić together with Father Zlatibor Đurašević.

On Sunday, December 31, after the Holy Liturgy we will be bundling the Badnjak branches – everyone is welcome to stay to help with these preparations for Christmas!

We will be announcing soon the schedule of services for Christmas Eve and Christmas.

And finally we invite you to the Serbian New Year’s Eve party on Saturday, January 13, from 7PM at our hall at 49 N Lake Rd in Richmond Hill. The Circle of Serbian Sisters will prepare a rich dinner, and you will be entertained by Aca Pejovic’s orchestra.
Tickets per person are $60, for reservations please contact Srđan Stojšić at 647-409-6279.

Come to pray to God together and celebrate our upcoming Feast-days together at our Church!

– The Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Serbian Parish

In our Chapel Again

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Glory and thanks be to God for having us gathered again on this 27th Sunday after Pentecost, December 10th, at our premises in joint prayer to God Almighty in fraternal love at the Holy Liturgy. It was wonderful to see again so many of our parishioners and their children who “revived” our Church facilities with their joyful noise.

Following the service, we sat together for Agape, socializing and enjoying the lunch prepared by our sister Vera Pavlović.

We thank everyone who came and we invite you all to continue to attend services at our chapel.

Thank you for your understanding and your unselfish support.
– The Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Serbian Parish

Cleanup of the Church Facility

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We would like to thank you for the great turnout this past Saturday, December 9th, with helping with the clean-up of our Church facilities, and thereby spending a full day’s work to do:

  • Detailed cleaning of the kitchen and the bar
  • Setting up the room by the kitchen where the walk-in refrigerator was before
  • Covering the waterproofing insulator in the chapel
  • Returning all of the displaced furniture
  • Placing the icons and books to their place
  • Setting up the chapel and altar for Worship

The volunteers were: Cule Međedović, Dragan Ćurčić, Mile Kotarac, Stiv Stojanović, Tomo Trklja, Žiko Božić, Svetlana Đogo, Ljiljana and Radovan Ždrakanović, Srđo Stojšić, Saša Cvijetinović, Snežana and Duško Knežević, Nada Vukoje, Dejan Jokanović, Zorka and Milan Lavrnja, Dunja Pavlović, Siniša Cvetković, Ljubiša Marković, Zoran Radišić and Fr. Vladimir Vranić.

Thank you for unselfish effort and support!
– The Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Serbian Parish

Repairs Completed – Cleanup Action!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We would be happy to inform you that the major repairs and mold remediation works at our facility have been completed:

  1. The roof is repaired, stopping all leaks (Royal Roofing Company Inc.),
  2. Drainage is repaired with 2 new sump pumps, preventing the entrance of moisture into the chapel and other lower level rooms (Go Waterproofing Inc.),
  3. Mold has been decontaminated at the lower and ground floors (Canada Decon Ltd.),
  4. Air Ducts are cleaned and furnace filters replaced (Twelve Points Air Duct Cleaning Ltd.)
  5. A new gutter at the front of the building was added to prevent accumulation of rainfall against wall of the lower rooms

Furthermore, last Saturday December 2nd the courtyard was cleaned up (and contents partially reordered in the building) by volunteers Dragan Ćurčić, Zoran Kapor, Cule Međedović, Srđo Stojšić, Saša Cvijetinović and Zoran Radišić.

At this time we appeal to you to please join us in the final cleanup of our indoor premises this coming Saturday, December 9th, starting from 8AM – everyone interested to take part, please contact us at

This way, by God’s Grace, we will be able to serve this Sunday December 10th at 10AM the Holy Liturgy in the premises of our Church at 49 North Lake Road in Richmond Hill – please join us in prayer to God together as our own hosts!

Thank you for your understanding and your unselfish support.

– The Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Serbian Parish