Schedule of Services until the Beginning of Nativity Fast 2022

  • September 4 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
    • Following the Divine Liturgy we will pray for all the students of our Parish for the start of the new Academic Year: all parents and students are invited to join on this occasion!
  • September 11 – 13th Sunday after Pentecost – Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Synaxis of All Serbian Saints: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • September 18 – 14th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • September 21 – (Wednesday) Birth of the Most Holy Theotokos: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • September 25 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • September 27 – (Tuesday) Exaltation of the Honourable Cross: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 2 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 8 – Memorial Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 9 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 16 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 23 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 27 – (Monday) Venerable mother Paraskeva – St. Petka: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 30 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • October 31 – (Monday) Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, St. Peter of Cetinje: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 5 – Memorial Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 6 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 8 – (Tuesday) Holy and Glorious Great-martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-gusher of Thessalonica: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 13 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 20 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost – Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 21 – (Monday) Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • November 27 – 24th Sunday after Pentecost (Beginning of Nativity Fast): Divine Liturgy at 10 am

Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel: July 26th and 31st

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Tuesday, July 26th, is the Feast-day (Slava) of our Parish Church: Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel. On that day, the Holy Liturgy will start at 10AM, followed by the consecration of the wheat and breaking of the Slavski Kolač.

On Sunday, July 31st, following the Holy Liturgy the Slava dinner will be served.

We invite you to join us in celebrating the Slava of our Parish Church on the Feast-day itself, as well as to join us for dinner on the Sunday following the Slava.

(All interested to help with the preparations and serving of the Slava dinner please contact any member of the Circle of Serbian Sisters or the Governing board.)

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill

Schedule of Services through the Great Lent and Pascha 2022

  • March 20 – Second Sunday of Lent – St. Gregory Palamas: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • March 27 – Third Sunday of Lent – Veneration of the Cross: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
    • CANCELLED: Lenten Vespers in our chapel at 6PM
      • Please come in as great a number as possible, since we will be the hosts.
  • April 3 – Fourth Sunday of Lent – St. John Climacus: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • April 7 – (Thursday) Annunciation: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
    • The Annunciation is one of the great feast-days in the year.
  • April 10 – Fifth Sunday of Lent – St. Mary of Egypt: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • April 16 – Lazarus Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
    • Consecration of the palm branches at 5PM
  • April 17 – Entrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • April 21 – Great and Holy Thursday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM, preparation of Holy Communion for the sick.
    • Vespers and Reading of the 12 Gospels at 7PM
  • April 22 – Great and Holy Friday – Royal Hours at 9AM
    • The Deposition from the Cross and Lamentation at the Tomb at 6 pm
  • April 23 – Great and Holy Saturday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM

  • April 24 – Resurrection of of our Lord Jesus Christ – Pascha: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
    • (If Fr. Vasilije comes back before Pascha, we will have on Saturday-to-Sunday night the Easter Matins at midnight followed by the Divine Liturgy too)
  • April 25 – Resurrection Monday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • April 26 – Resurrection Tuesday: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • May 1 – Second Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of St. Thomas: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • May 6 – Holy Greatmartyr George: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
    • Cutting of the Slava Kolač before and after the Divine Liturgy
  • May 8 – Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark: Divine Liturgy at 10AM

Please Note: if anyone requires the blessing of water, please contact Fr. Ljubo Rajic directly at 416-828-4447 to arrange.

Schedule of Services for January 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Under the current restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19, our worship services will continue to be held regularly with a mandatory maintenance of a physical distance of 6ft and wearing face masks (more details here:, per the following schedule:

  • January 2 – 28th Sunday after Pentecost – Holy Fathers (Fathers’ Day) – St. Ignatius of Antioch: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 6 – Christmas Eve Day: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
    • Christmas Eve: Vespers at 6 pm
  • January 7 – Nativity of Jesus Christ – Christmas: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 8 – Second day of Christmas – Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 9 – Third day of Christmas – Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 14 – Circumcision of our Lord – St. Basil the Great (New Year): Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 16 – 30th Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 18 – Feast of the Holy Cross: Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the water at 10 am
  • January 19 – Theophany (Epiphany) – The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ: Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the water at 10 am
  • January 20 – Synaxis of St. John the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 23 – 31st Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 27 – St. Sava, First Serbian Archbishop and Enlightener: Divine Liturgy at 10 am
  • January 30 – 32nd Sunday after Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10 am

– Governing Board of St. Archangel Gabriel Parish in Richmond Hill