Schedule of Services for July & August 2023

  • July 2 – 4th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 7 – (Friday) Birth of St. John the Baptist: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 9 – 5th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 16 – (Wednesday) Holy Apostoles Peter and Paul: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 16 – 6th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 23 – 7th Sunday of Pentecost: His Grace Bishop Mitrofan will serve the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at our Parish at 10AM
    • The consecration of the wheat and breaking of the Slavski Kolač will take place right after the Divine Liturgy, followed by the Slava dinner, in anticipation of the Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel, the Feast-day (Slava) of our Parish Church.
  • July 26 – (Wednesday) Synaxis of St. Archangel Gabriel: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • July 30 – 8th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 28 – (Wednesday) St. Elijah, Prophet : Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 6 – 9th Sunday of Pentecost, Holy Martyrs of Prebilovac and Lower Herzegovina: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 13 – 10th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 20 – 11th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 27 – 9th Sunday of Pentecost: Divine Liturgy at 10AM
  • August 28 – (Monday) Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos: Divine Liturgy at 10AM

Parish priest: fr. Đurađ Kojic
Cell number: 519.897.8448